Thursday, February 19, 2009

Prayers Please!

My Grandma Martha is having back surgery today, so keep her in your prayers please. She has been having back pain for several years now, so I am glad the doctors are doing something for her...but at the same time I just hope everything goes well. Also, baby Cain (the puppy) is sick right now. We're not sure exactly what is wrong so be praying for him [& Seth =o) ] too. Thanks a bunch & I'll keep everyone updated!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Seth got a new puppy this past weekend. He flew in from Minnesota this past Saturday. It was a LONG process, but Seth finally decided on a name: Fowl Mouth's Raisin' Cain ("Cain"). The training has already started of course! He seems to like the duck wing much better than the bumper. He is a big cuddler (my favortie part about him!), but he can be a fiesty little rascal, too! My Mom and Dad and Ryan and Jade are babysitting during the week while Seth and I are at school. I've posted some pictures so you all can see just how cute he is.